Monday, October 27, 2008

Navigating The College Fair.

Well I think college fairs are really good for seniors who have no idea what they are doing. I mean I myself know what I want to be but I still want to see what colleges offer what courses I want to take. I think it’s really cool that colleges do this for people I mean its better then figuring out were you want to go to school and not know anything about this college at all right. Well many people know were they wanted to go or have a place they want to go but many don’t. So if your one of these people you might want to ask about the thing your willing to go to school for. I mean ask what the school offers then in your career also try to fill out the cards they need to contact you. Many Admission representatives Suggest bringing a sheet of labels preprinted with your key information. I mean it’s your future you need to take the initiative you need to go and get it done. Also getting a career your willing to do and go threw. So listen to what they have to say and also pay attention to what the offer and find out what you would like to pursue.

1 comment:

Speggy said...

college, future= sucess
good article☻
I would like to know more about how this college fair goes on or when is it.